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Table of Contents

2 Editorial

ID On-Line

 - Kenneth I. Werner

4 A View from the Hilltop

Getting It Right ...

 - Aris Silzars

10 Optical-System Designs for LCoS Front Projectors

LCoS front projectors could change the display landscape, but only if optical systems can be made that offer high throughput, high contrast, compact dimensions, and low cost.

 - Matthew Bone

16 Are Tiled AMLCDs Ready to Leapfrog Large FPD Trends?

Seamless display tiling has failed in the past, but Rainbow Displays has shown impressive prototypes and is ready to ramp up.

 - Ray Greene, Peter Krusius, Don Seraphim, Dean Skinner, and Boris Yost

22 Opinion: The AMLCD Is the Ultimate Avionics Display

The requirements for avionics displays are higher than ever, and of all the available technologies only properly ruggedized AMLCDs can meet today’s criteria.

 - Lawrence E. Tannas, Jr.

26 Kent and eMagin Show Innovative Prototypes at IDRC

Substrates and electronics for flexible displays, and technologies for electronic paper, were featured in special invited symposia.

 - Ken Werner

34 Calendar of Display-Related Events

36 Sustaining Members