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Table of Content

2 Editorial
We Make the Box
-  Ken Werner
4 The Display Continuum
On the Third Day of Christmas ...
- Aris Silzars
12 Fourth Annual Display of the Year Awards
For 1998, a newly commercialized display technology wins the Display of the Year Gold Award, and a new award for components and materials is added.
- Ken Werner
18 Small Displays Have a Big Future
- Depending on how we count, about 30 microdisplay vendors are seeking gold in the applications hills. Can there possibly be enough to go around?
- Hiap L. Ong and Ronald P. Gale
24 Image Processing for Flat-Panel Displays
If FPD-based monitors are to challenge CRTs, we must have the electronics to solve the “native-format problem” – and we do.
- Ernest Yeung
28 The Military Display Dilemma
The U.S. military can no longer use CRTs, and cannot afford to acquire LCDs – unless it substantially modifies its “corporate culture.”
- Kenneth E. Sola
34 Is the Measurement of Front-Projector Characteristics an Impossible Task?
A lot goes on between the projection lens and the eye that projector manufacturers can’t control, but it is possible to make accurate front-projection-display measurements in stray-light conditions?
- Paul A. Boynton and Edward F. Kelley
46 SID ’99 Hotel Reservation Form
46 Index to Advertisers