
In the Short Subjects column of the October issue of Information Display magazine, written by Bruce Berkoff, Executive Vice President of Marketing for LG.Philips LCD, some of the text of a sentence appearing on page 4 of the issue was omitted. The sentence, "In fact, no 42-, 50-, or even 60-in. PDP sets on the market today are below the one-megapixel threshold we believe is needed for HD," should have read, "In fact, no 42-, 50-, or even 60-in. PDP sets on the market today can support full HD (two-megapixel) resolution, and the vast majority of PDP sets on the market today are below the one-megapixel threshold required for HD."

Yuri van der Leest
Marcom Manager
LG.Philips LCD


Our sincerest apologies to LG.Philips LCD for this omission, and we regret any problems this may have caused.

Editorial Staff
Information Display