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Table of Content

2 Guest Editorial

LCDs: Ready for Naval Operations?

 - Kenneth E. Sola

4 The Display Continuum 

The Wiggly Green Worm ...

 - Aris Silzars

12 Video Walls Don't Stand Still

Looks are everything with video-wall cube systems, and the technology for making walls look good is evolving steadily.

 - Josh Kairoff

16 End of the Shadow Mask?

Dynamic color separation can replace the shadow mask, deliver better performance, reduce size and weight, and lower costs.

 - Clayton A. Washburn 

22 Improving the Quality of Softcopy Medical Images

Making monitors that are good enough to please radiologists is one of display technology's most demanding challenges, and recent developments are helping monochrome CRTs do the job.

 - Ken Compton and Don Hirsh

25 Industry News

26 International Display Workshops Big in Nagoya

When Japan Display became Asia Display, Japan had to create an annual conference to support its domestic display community - but it's become international.

 - Ken Werner

34 Strategic Perspective and Vehicular Displays Draw over 200 to Ypsilanti

The unique orientation of this regional meeting attracted a number of international attendees.

 - Samuel Musa and Robert L. Donofrio 

42 Book Reviews
Wiley Launches Wiley-SID Series in Display Technology 

 - Ken Werner 

44 SID News

45 Conference Calendar 

48 Sustaining Members 

48 Index to Advertisers