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Table of Contents

2 Editorial

Where Are

 - Kenneth I. Werner

4 The Display Continuum

Christmas Shopping …

 - Aris Silzars

12 Fifth Annual Display of the Year Awards

For 1999, a low-temperature-polysilicon AMLCD wins the Display of the Year Gold Award.

 - Ken Werner

18 Electronic Cinema Is Inevitable

Now that the technology for projecting motion pictures without film has been demonstrated, the movie industry won’t be able to resist its benefits – but there are still bumps in the road to this digital future.

 - Curt Behlmer

22 Reducing Pixel Count without Reducing Image Quality

A new FPD color-pixel arrangement offers reduced blue resolution, which offers a better match for human vision and promises to lower display costs.

 - Candice Hellen Brown Elliott

26 Medical-Imaging Systems Move Toward AMLCDs

Medical imaging systems have favored CRTs for high-resolution applications, but the improving image quality of AMLCDs is tantalizing the medical field with new opportunities.

 - Wayne Connell 

30 Calibrating Colorimeters for Display Measurements

Some commercial colorimeters have uncertainties in display-color measurements that are too large for many commercial, industrial, and military applications – but new NIST-developed calibration procedures solve the problem.

 - S. W. Brown, Y. Zong, and Y. Ohno

42 SID News: Dr. Sanai Mito Dies at 88

42 Calendar of Display-Related Events

44 Index to Advertisers

44 Sustaining Members