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Table of Contents

2 Editorial
Planning Begins for a Bigger, Better Display Technology Showcase
- Ken Werner
4 The Display Continuum
The Waves of Change ...
- Aris Silzars
12 Repair and Rework of Flat-Panel Displays
Automation, consistent TAB processes, and efficient cannibalization are the core competencies needed to become a successful rework house.
- Thomas Todd
16 Air Ionizers in TFT-LCD Manufacturing
Electrostatic discharge plays havoc with yields - can it be prevented?
- Haruyuki Togari and Arnold Steinman
20 SID Conference Calendar
22 Continuous-Grain Silicon Makes the HDTV Retro-Projector Sizzle
Continuous-grain silicon puts most of the performance of single-crystal silicon into a TFT material - and brings the “glass chassis” much closer.
- Hisashi Ohtani, Jun Koyama, Toru Mitsuki, Masaaki Hiroki, Shumpei Yamazaki, and Masaya Hijikigawa
26 Manufacturing Cost Structures Provide the Key to the Electronic-Display Market
What display applications can support the manufacturing investments and materials costs for flat-panel displays? Are there any?

- David E. Mentley

32 A Plasma World

Despite a delayed start, leading members of Japan’s PDP community believe that plasma will replace CRT rear projectors - and soon.
- Ken Werner

48 Sustaining Members

48 Index to Advertisers