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Table of Contents

2 Editorial

Japan: "We Must Learn from the U.S."

- Ken Werner 

 4 The Display Continuum

Planting Tulip Bulbs in February ...

- Aris Silzars

12 Electronics Development for Field-Emission Displays

Combining amplitude-modulation and pulse-width-modulation drive schemes gives FED-panel designers the best of both worlds.

- Robert T. Smith

16 Creating Dynamic HMis for Modern Display Systems

How can we economically design and maintain human-machine interfaces that must often outlive the hardware and software platforms they are built to run on?

- Paul A. Bennett

20 Canon Shows New-Generation FLCD at FLC '97 in Brittany

After years of difficulties, Canon may have gotten the big-screen FLCD solution right.

- Bengt Stebler

23 Calendar

24 How Ferroelectric Liquid-Crystal Devices Work

Understanding the operation of the various FLCDs presented at FLC '97 makes their advantages and disadvantages clear - and may even make it possible to pick winners and losers

- Paul Surguy

28 SMAU '97: International - and Very Italian

FPD monitors appeared in quantity at Europe's second-largest IT show, but the force was still with CRTs in Milan. 

36 New Products

45 SID '98 Hotel Reservation Information

48 Sustaining Members 

48 Index to Aclvet1isers