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Table of Contents

2 Editorial

Small Staff, Small World

 - Kenneth I. Werner

4 A View from the Hilltop …

 - Aris Silzars

14 Printable Large-Area FEDs

How close are we to creating large, affordable displays for mass markets?

 - Richard A. Tuck

18 Using Field-Emitter Arrays as CRT Cathodes

Combining solid-state technology with traditional CRT designs results in a new hybrid device with distinct advantages.

 - Kazuo Konuma, Yuko Okada, Akihiko Okamoto, Yoshinori Tomihari, and Soichiro Miyano

22 Display Technology and Computer Entertainment

The computer entertainment industry is divided into three parts, each with its own distinct hardware profile, display needs, and business model.

 - Shin’ichi Okamoto

26 Do FPDs Need New Image-Quality Metrics?

Our metrics for quantifying image quality have been developed over the last half-century with CRTs in mind. To what extent are they suitable for newer display technologies.

 - Clarence E. Rash, Victor Klymenko, Thomas H. Harding, and John S. Smith

30 The Seventh Color Imaging Conference

The Seventh Color Imaging Conference (CIC 7) introduced its first tutorials devoted to color on the Internet, and color imaging with digital cameras as a major topic in the technical sessions.

 - Jennifer Gille

36 LCD Color Reversal at a Glance

A new test pattern developed at NIDL and NIST provides a quick evaluation of LCD color and gray-level shifts with changes in viewing angle.

 - Michael H. Brill

47 Calendar of Display-Related Events

48 Index to Advertisers

48 Sustaining Members