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Looking Ahead with Optimism?
By Stephen P. Atwood
Industry News
By Michael Morgenthal
Guest Editorial
Whither Pico Projectors?
By Robert L. Melcher
President's Corner
Turning Technology into Products.
By Paul Drzaic
The Pico-Projector Gold Rush
The development of pico-projector technology and the possible market opportunities for this exciting new technology is discussed.
By Chris Chinnock
The Future of Pico Projectors
Coming advances in projector throughput and LED brightness create a rapidly broadening design space for pico projectors that will lead to applications yet unforeseen.
By Mark A. Handschy and Bruce F. Spenner
Holographic Laser Projection Technology
A unique holographic laser projection technology that offers advantages over imaging and scanned-beam display technologies is described.
By Edward Buckley
A Single-Mirror Laser-Based Scanning Display Engine
Myriad pico projectors are scheduled to become commercialized in 2009, and each one offers a different pathway to success. Here, one manufacturer details the technology and development decisions that have lead to its single-mirror laser-based scanning display engine.
By David Lashmet, David Baty, and Matt Nichols
Rolling toward a Revolution?
Polymer Vision plans to launch the Readius, the first commercial application to feature a rollable flexible display, in early 2009. Will it be the "killer app" for rollable flexible displays?
By Michael Morgenthal
Journal of the SID Preview
Selected papers appearing in the December 2008 issue of the Journal of the SID are previewed.
By Aris Silzars