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Table of Contents

2 President's Message

 - Tony Lowe

4 The Display Continuum

But What About 50 Years from Now? ...

 - Aris Silzars

12 A Helmet-Mounted Laser Display

A laser beam scanning the retina is revolutionary technology, and provides the brightest image for pilots using an HMD in sunlight.

 - Thomas M. Lippert, Clarence E. Rash, and James J. Hauser

16 Calendar of Display-Related Events

18 A Digital-Interface Standard for Displays

The DVI initiative is already changing CRTs for the better and is destined to promote the growth of flat-panel monitors.

 - Marc McConnaughey

22 AMLCD Markets Diversify

As the demand for AMLCDs grows and broadens, the roller coaster of AM LCD supply and demand may get gentler- but the cyclical patterns will continue.

 - Joseph A. Castellano

26 EuroDisplay in Berlin

A week of unseasonable warmth and sunshine - during which the German parliament began its first regular session in Berlin since World War II- provided an historic framework for EuroDisplay '99.

 - Ken Werner

38 Letters

40 Index to Advertisers

40 Sustaining Members