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Table of Contents

2 Editorial

If it's Tuesday, This Must Be EID ...  

 - Ken Werner

4 The Display Continuum

And Then Things Got ReallComplicated ...

 - Aris Silzars

6 European Views

Even the European Commission Can't Feed Two Cultures from One Bowl

 - Bengt Stebler

Conference Calendar 

12 SID '98: Large and Lively

A record number of exhibitors happily showed and sold their wares to a record number of attendees in Anaheim. 

 - Ken Werner

14 Microdisplays Grow Up

The diagonals may be small, but optimism and pixel count are high among the folks who produce big images from very small displays

 - Charles McLaughlin 

18 LCDs Galore at SID '98

LCD innovation seemed to be accelerating at SID '98 - with no slowdown in sight

 - Chris Chinnock

22 The Old Dog Still Barks

The glamour may be in flat panels, but CRT makers were busy and busy is good! 

 - Joe Hallett 

26 Big, Bright, and Beautiful

Emissive displays come in many types and sizes, but at SID '98 it was the new generation of large plasma displays that made jaws drop.

 - Alan Sobel

30 Manufacturing Equipement

Low-temp poly was one mantra at SID '98. Greater throughput,

reduced usage of materials, and large-substrate capability were others. 

 - Stephen Atwood and Ken Werner 

34 Display Technology Showcase

How do we know which display technology is best for a particular application? Four  thousand SID attendees went to the DTS to find out.

 - Joe Hallett 

38 Display Viewability

There is still no agreement on what combination of measurable characteristics makes a display "viewable" - but it is agreed that the combination  is not the same for all technologies.

 - Stephen Atwood 

48 Index to Advertisers