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Table of Contents

2 Editorial

Information Displayless 

 - Ken Werner 

The Display Continuum

I Really Need to Go to a Meeting ...

 - Aris Silzars 

12 The "Iron Law" 25 Years Later

Are high-performance addressed STN displays breaking the "iron Law" of LCD design formulated by Paul Alt and Peter Pleshko nearla quarter century ago?

 - Terry J. Scheffe

18 Reflective Color LCDs

The market for reflective color LCDs is very active, but which technology will prevail?

 - Alan Mosley 

24 The Three Components of Reflection

The ambient Light that reflects off a display screen can affect image quality more than the light intentionally produced by the display but ·which type of reflection is the most important?

 - Edward F Kelley 

32 Temperature-Compensating Shadow-Mask Mounting

As high-performance CRTs are produced in increasing numbers and in geographically diverse locations, advanced mounting technology is helping CRT makers achieve better images at Lower costs.

 - Keith Wheeler 

36 It Takes a Worried Man to Sing a Worried Song

Worried songs were sung as the Taiwanese dollar and stock market fell in value daily during Computex Taipei 1998 - but local monitor manufa cturers put on a brave face and showed off their new products. 

 - Bryan Norris 

39 SID Calendar of Coming Events 

56 Index to Advertisers