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Table of Contents

2 Editorial

Microdisplays Explode ... Slowly

 - Kenneth I. Werner

4 A View from the Hilltop

Are We Falling Behind? ...

 - Aris Silzars

14 The Technology Is Pushing – But Will the Market Pull?

Many microdisplay companies are producing impressive prototypes, and partnership announcements are popping up like spring crocuses. The sellers are clearly ready to sell – but will the buyers buy?

 - Paul D. Semenza

20 LCoS-Microdisplay Technology and Applications

LCoS is emerging as the most attractive technology choice for a wide variety of portable- and projection-display applications.

 - Robert L. Melcher

24 Manufacturing LCoS Microdisplays

Building a high-quality fab involves knowing the processes and carefully modifying selected semiconductor- and LCD-manufacturing equipment. But where does the fab go? Ohio?

 - Michael Stefanov

28 Plastic LCDs to Roll?

Thinner, lighter, brighter; integrated displays can be produced by roll-to-roll processing, but some of the processes need more development.

 - Joseph DelPico, Kuang-Chou Chang, and Gary D. Sharp

32 The First International Display Manufacturing Conference

IDMC, an international display-manufacturing conference and show held in Asia, with papers delivered in English, promises to be a uniquely valuable event.

 - Jin Jang and Ken Werner

41 Calendar of Display-Related Events

42 SID Honors and Awards Nominations

48 Sustaining Members