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Table of Contents

2 Editorial

State of the Art

 - Kenneth I. Werner

4 A View from the Hilltop

A Global Village...

 - Aris Silzars

12 Sixth Annual Display of the Year Awards

For the year 2000, the DYA Committee honors an OLED microdis- play, a carbon-nanotube FED module, a hand-held viewer, a rear-projection HD monitor, a digital color wheel, and a matrix filter that improves the color of LCDs.

 - Ken Werner

16 The Promise of Plasma Displays for HDTV

Innovative techniques have removed motion artifacts in the most sophisticated PDPs. Designing for cost reduction is next.

 - Larry F. Weber

22 Light-Emitting-Polymer Displays

OLEDs can be made with small-molecule or polymer materials. Small molecules were first to market, but LEPs have some competitive advantages.

 - Karl Heeks

26 Protecting Intellectual Property in the Electronic-Display Industry

Traditional patents are one way to protect intellectual property, but they may not be the best way.

 - Richard L. Fink, Kelly K. Kordzik, Song K. Jung, and Zvi Yaniv

33 Calendar of Display-Related Events

40 Sustaining Members