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Table of Contents

2 Editorial 
Point...Shoot...and Poetry 

- Ken Werner

4 The Display Continuum

A World Full of Electronic Peepholes

- Aris Silzars

6 European Views

- Alan Mosley

6 Calendar

12 Liquid Crystal Materials for Flat Panel Displays

Liquid Crystal materials are engineered as precisely as the displays that exploit their electro-optical characteristics

- Mitsuhiro Koden

16 Opinion: Reducing the Risk of Moving to Flat Panels 

Most government systems continue to use CRTs, so how can console and display-system makers design for the future while recognizing the realities of the present? 

- Michael Forde

20 Touch, Don’t Type 

From their traditional bastions in industrial control and scientific instrumentation, touch-screen interfaces are spreading to many new applications.

- Robert Steinberg

24 Still Crazy After All These Years 

Not only do CRTs constitute a huge business, but they still provide fertile ground for technical development.

- Joe Hallett

28 News from Toronto: The First “Glass Chassis” May Not Be Glass 

The IDRC in Toronto was a solid research meeting with only a few surprises, but those surprises were aces. 

- Ken Werner

48 Industry News 

49 SID ’98 Hotel Reservation Information

52 Sustaining Members

52 Index to Advertisers